Unlock Your Spiritual DNA: An Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology
Discover how evolutionary astrology provides a roadmap to understanding your past, present and future.

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Ready to unlock the secrets of your soul? Evolutionary astrology provides a roadmap to understanding your past, present and future through the lens of karma and evolution. Read on to discover how your astrological chart holds the key to unlocking your true spiritual potential.
What is Evolutionary Astrology?
Evolutionary astrology is a revolutionary approach to understanding the complexities of the human psyche and the universe at large. Developed by visionary astrologers such as Jeffrey Wolf Green and Steven Forrest, evolutionary astrology builds upon traditional astrological principles while integrating insights from psychology, philosophy and spirituality.
Born in the late 20th century, evolutionary astrology challenged conventional astrological interpretations by delving deeper into the spiritual dimensions of the birth chart. Its pioneers aimed to uncover the underlying patterns and purposes behind individual and collective human experience, drawing inspiration from ancient wisdom traditions and modern psychological theories.
At its core, evolutionary astrology views the birth chart as a symbolic representation of the soul's journey through time and space. Rather than viewing astrology as a deterministic tool for predicting outcomes, it emphasizes free will and personal responsibility in navigating life's challenges and opportunities.
By exploring the dynamics of karma, reincarnation and soul growth, evolutionary astrology offers profound insights into the soul's evolutionary intentions and lessons in this lifetime.
“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future result.”
Swami Sri Yukteswar in 'Pluto: the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul' by Jeffrey Wolf Green
Evolutionary astrology therefore is a gateway to understanding not just HOW you tick, but WHY. While traditional astrology might tell you that your sun sign is Aries, symbolizing a natural-born leader, passionate and confident, evolutionary astrology will tell you WHY you were born with your Sun in Aries.
This is important because in my experience as an astrologer, most clients I’ve been working with (including myself) are not born naturally mastering their sun sign. We are learning our sun sign, we’re not just it! As a Gemini Sun, you are here to learn to live those Gemini qualities in a conscious way. But this is not the whole picture, because what exactly you’re supposed to learn always depends on the story written in the entire birth chart. Keep reading, we'll explore how to unravel your evolutionary lessons in your birth chart in a moment.
I believe that this is one of the reasons many people don’t recognize themselves in the ‘descriptions’ provided by certain astrologers or astrology apps. As for Aries, for example, a client with a handful of Aries placement once told me: “Yes I do have some fire, sure, but I also really struggle to set boundaries and stand up for myself”. This client also had her North Node in Aries (indicating what her soul is here to learn) and her Ascendant was in Virgo. With her South Node in Libra, Aries is a huge learning field for her and not a given - Aries Sun or not.
“Evolutionary astrology views your chart as a map of your soul’s evolution.”
Evolutionary astrology views your chart as a map of your soul’s evolution. It doesn't just focus on who you are, but rather on where you are coming from and who you are becoming. Each planet, each sign and each house in your chart holds clues to your spiritual lessons, past life experiences and evolutionary goals. For instance, the placement of Pluto in your chart reveals your deepest soul desires. In traditional astrology however, Pluto is often labeled as an outer planet with little to no significance for the individual. We’ll explore the key planets of evolutionary astrology later in this article.
Here’s a definition from world renown astrologer Stephen Forrest who has notably developed the evolutionary perspective on astrology:
“Evolutionary Astrology is the fusion of Humanistic Psychology on one hand with ancient metaphysics on the other hand. We assume, as we look at a chart in the evolutionary context, that the person has this birth chart for a reason ... and that built into your chart is a description of what we might think of as an evolutionary predicament or a karmic predicament — a set of illusions that you have, a set of issues you may have, things you need to work on, things that can trip you up ... and then most importantly, the birth chart will describe 'the medicine' ... a kind of experiential recipe that you can follow in order to optimally empower yourself, heal the wounded places in your psyche, and get on with your journey."
- Stephen Forrest
Let me share another story to illustrate the depth and power of evolutionary astrology. Think of a young woman named Mia, who always found herself struggling in relationships, constantly feeling misunderstood and overlooked. Through a traditional astrological reading, she learned about her Venus in Scorpio, indicating intense, passionate interactions. Which rang true to her but did not help her overcome her painful struggles. It was only through an evolutionary astrology reading that she started to understand the karmic underpinnings of her relational patterns. Her South Node in Libra revealed a past life tendency to compromise her needs for the sake of harmony. Despite her passionate Venus she had therefore a hard time asserting her needs in relationships. Only through understanding her karmic journey with her North Node in Aries, she started to assert herself more boldly and to stand up for what she wanted.
Evolutionary Astrology answers the questions that keep you awake at night! It explains what you are here to learn, why you need to learn this and how to approach it best.
Core principles of evolutionary astrology
Let's explore now three foundational principles of evolutionary astrology—incarnation, karma, and free will—to establish a solid understanding about how evolutionary astrology offers unique insights into your spiritual journey.
• Incarnation: Every soul has lived through countless incarnations and will go through many more. Our very essence, our soul, is immortal and intangible and incarnates countless times in the form of a human body in order to grow and evolve. Each life holds a specific purpose of growth, with a direction to strive towards and lessons to learn along the way. The lessons we are here to learn are based on the karma we carry from past lives.
• Karma: Your entire birth chart is a consequence of your karma. We understand as karma the result of the decisions you made in previous lifetimes, both positive and negative. The karma comes in the form of the circumstances you are born into, the personality patterns you have and events that happen to you or that you attract. So basically everything you are, you are for a reason. And everything you experience, you experience for a reason.
• Free Will: At the same time as you are facing Karma in each incarnation, you also have free will. Your free will lies in your ability to consciously respond to the events and circumstances called into life by your karma. The trajectory of your life is not destined or fated. You can always choose how you respond - if you want to grow through the karmic challenges presented to you, or not. It is your personal responsibility.
Evolutionary astrology is empowering you to take ownership and responsibility for your life. You are not a victim to the stars, but a co-creator of your reality – together with a higher power, god, source or the universe – however you like to call it.
Given these principles it doesn’t makes sense to make predictions about how your life is going to unfold. We simply don’t know where you are on your journey, what you’ve learnt in the past and how you're going to respond to the challenges and choices that will appear moving forward. Much of how you respond is depending on your consciousness – and consciousness is not written or visible in the birth chart. Your consciousness is meant to expand through life and the experiences you make – so how you respond to something in a year can be entirely different from today.
In my personal experience, evolutionary astrology has helped me tremendously to expand my consciousness. More than any other spiritual practice or healing modality, it brought awareness to my - until then - subconscious patterns, behaviors and responses. If you’re aiming to make big leaps in consciousness in this life, continue reading as we explore the most important chart points in evolutionary astrology and how you can start your journey today with our evolutionary astrology report The Compass.

What are the main chart points of evolutionary astrology?
While in traditional astrology your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign are of utmost importance, followed by your other personal planets, in evolutionary astrology we focus on different symbols written in your birth chart. Your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign are still the main pillars of who you are (your personality), but to understand the deeper desires, karma and purpose of your soul, we look at entirely different chart points and planets. These help us understand the deeper story of who you are, where you've been, why you're here and where you're going.
The Lunar Nodes: your karmic path of evolution
The moon’s nodes are not actual physical planetary bodies but calculated points where the paths of the Sun and Moon around the earth cross. The South Node is associated with the past and indicates where you’re coming from – in the karmic sense of a past life. It’s placement describes patterns, skills and habits you’ve brought over from past lives into the present one. It’s also an area of life, where you feel comfortable, but where little further growth will occur, as you are repeating patterns, which you’ve already outgrown. The North Node points towards your future and the direction you should develop. It is the remedy to your South Node karma. The goal is to achieve a healthy balance between the two, not to merely leave the South Node behind.
Example: If your South Node in Capricorn in the first house says you’re good at being alone and managing life on your own, your North Node in Cancer in the 7th house is asking you to open up and connect with others on an emotional level, learning to share and care.
Pluto: the soul’s deepest desires
In evolutionary astrology, Pluto is pivotal in guiding your deepest transformations and personal growth. Its placement in your birth chart reveals some of your life's biggest challenges and opportunities for profound change. Pluto also symbolizes the darkest parts of your psyche which are mostly unconsciously driving your desires and fears. The house where Pluto resides shows where these transformative experiences will occur and the sign it occupies explains how these transformations manifest.
For example, Pluto in the 4th house focuses your transformation on home and family, while in Scorpio, these changes are intense, dealing with power, death and rebirth. This placement often brings deep, transformative experiences that reshape one's emotional foundations and sense of security. It may also indicate significant life shifts such as moving to new places or dramatic changes in family dynamics. While these changes can be uncomfortable, they are essential for personal growth and evolution
Saturn: your path to resilience and responsibility
Saturn is widely known as the planet of karma. In evolutionary astrology we see the whole chart as karmic. The placement of Saturn reveals, how you have dealt with responsibilities in the past and emphasizes the development of discipline and responsibility. Saturn is your wise teacher challenging you to become mature through facing challenges. He points towards your toughest lessons but also your greatest potential for achievement. Through the trials Saturn sets before you, you learn to manifest your true potential, gaining not only self-respect and maturity but also a profound mastery over your life’s challenges and fears.
The Moon: your soul’s memory and emotional compass
In evolutionary astrology, your Moon sign represents the unconscious, emotional and instinctual qualities that are a result of your past life experiences. It reflects your deepest needs for security and what comforts your soul, often revealing karmic lessons you are drawn to, for your soul's growth. The Moon also offers insights into your unconscious behaviors, the emotional foundation of your character and the emotional wounds that need healing.
A 7th house Gemini Moon, for example, points to a karmic focus on communication within relationships. This person will learn a lot through partnerships, using communication to build deeper emotional connections and integrate and resolve past issues.
In our 50+ pages evolutionary astrology report The Compass we focus on your soul's journey from South Node to North Node. The Compass unravels in detail the lessons you carry from your past and what you need to learn, so you can move forward towards your North Node confident, clear and free. In The Compass we take a close look at all the aspects to the nodes to give you an excellent understanding of how your karmic lessons play out in detail, as well as, what you need to learn to master your North Node. To give you an idea of this, think of Mars and Pluto standing in square aspect for example. This is a sign that you are facing lessons about handling power responsibly and fairly and it indicates, that you will find yourself in power struggles regularly. Understanding these deep stories related to your karmic heritage is extremely helpful on your spiritual path, as it allows you to focus your energy and effort on what’s really moving you forward in this life versus following a generic spiritual path based on external teachings or institutional norms. While all spiritual paths and practices offer valuable wisdom and guidance, they may not necessarily address the specific karmic lessons and soul growth opportunities unique to you as an individual. By uncovering the deeper themes encoded in your birth chart through evolutionary astrology, you gain clarity on the areas of personal development and spiritual evolution that are most relevant to your soul's journey.

How evolutionary astrology can help you on your spiritual path
I guess by now you’ve got a feeling that understanding your astrological birth chart from an evolutionary point of view can be a real game changer on your journey through life as a conscious and spiritual being. Let's now look more specifically at how evolutionary astrology can support you mastering your life and your spiritual journey.
• Understanding your soul's intentions: Evolutionary astrology delves into the soul’s primary intentions and karmic lessons, revealing the deeper aspects of your spiritual mission and life purpose. This perspective helps you understand the broader spiritual reason behind your life's challenges and successes, providing a more profound connection with your soul.
• Accelerate personal Transformation: Your birth chart highlights crucial areas in your life that are ripe for growth and transformation. By understanding where and how these changes are likely to occur, you can better manage significant transitions, speeding up your personal development and enhancing your ability to adapt.
• Understanding your past lives: Evolutionary astrology enables you to gain unique insights into your past lives and how your past experiences influence your current circumstances. This knowledge illuminates karmic patterns that are affecting your present, helping you to work through these recurring themes and advance your soul’s evolution.
• Increasing self-awareness: Evolutionary astrology uncovers the deepest layers of your psyche, including hidden motivations, fears, and desires. This increased self-awareness empowers you to make decisions that are more aligned with your true needs, fostering a life that resonates deeply with who you truly are.
• A navigational tool towards your soul mission: Your North Node is the ultimate guide on your path of evolution. It tells you exactly where to move towards and what qualities to integrate and learn. This guidance is crucial for making choices that support your spiritual growth and ensuring that your actions are in harmony with your broader soul purpose.
• Facilitating healing and resolution: Evolutionary astrology helps you to identify and heal old wounds and traumas. By understanding the origins of your deepest blockages, you can find effective strategies for healing, clearing the way for further personal and spiritual development.
• Navigating life’s challenges: With evolutionary astrology, you’re better equipped to handle life’s ups and downs. When you understand why certain patterns keep showing up in your life, you can meet them head-on, rather than feeling lost or surprised each time. It's like having a map that shows you where the rough patches are on the road ahead, so you can prepare and anticipate, rather than react and likely stumble.
• Aligning with the universal flow: Throughout our life you go through different planetary and life cycles and transits. These major phases of change are all visible in your chart through methods like transits and progressions. Understanding the cosmic influences at play helps you to optimize the timing of your actions and decisions. The more you synchronize with the cosmic rhythms, the more flow you’ll experience in your life.
• Deepening your spiritual path: Studying evolutionary astrology while being committed to a spiritual practice of your choice is a very powerful undertaking. The insights gained through evolutionary astrology will make your practice even more insightful and potent, leading to fast and aligned growth on your path towards enlightenment.
• Understanding cosmic laws and rhythm: Evolutionary astrology teaches you the fundamental cosmic laws that all great spirirtual traditions (like Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc.) teach in a very personal and practical way. You learn about the laws of karma, polarity, rhythm, etc. through your own birth chart and related life experiences. Learning through experience is a level beyond simple knowing – it creates true wisdom.
If you’re loving all of this, you’ll also love The Compass. My partner and I – both deeply transformed through the insights we’ve gained from studying evolutionary astrology over years – have developed this hyper personalized evolutionary astrology report to provide you with the exact insights you need, to understand and accomplish your soul mission, while liberating yourself from past karma.
While all spiritual paths and practices offer valuable wisdom and guidance, they may not necessarily address the specific karmic lessons and soul growth opportunities unique to you as an individual. By uncovering the deeper themes encoded in your birth chart through evolutionary astrology, you gain clarity on the areas of personal development and spiritual evolution that are most relevant to your soul's journey.
What The Compass offers
The Compass is more than just an astrology report. You get a personalized guide filled with insights about your soul's history and its future direction – carefully translated into practical advice for your everyday life. This looks like:
• Detailed description of your past life and soul mission: You'll get a detailed analysis of your South Node and North Node journey and placements. In there you'll learn about your past life identity, your main lessons, how you were misguided, possible skipped learning steps and, of course, how to move forward to accomplish your soul’s unique purpose including what - which qualities, people, circumstances - are supporting you on this endeavor, and what kind of challenges to expect. The Compass is your compass towards your soul's purpose!
• Journaling prompts: They help you reflect on where you stand on your journey and identify your fields of growth. While we can interpret the symbols in your chart, only you’ll know what you’ve already learnt and what not.
• Strengths & talents from your past life: You'll receive a list of strengths and talents you likely developed in your past life. These strengths and talents often unfold only once you start walking the path towards your North Node and are then being rediscovered and awakened to fulfill your soul mission.
• Mindset shifts & affirmations: Simple to understand statements that clarify your journey from South Node to North Node – made to print out and hang on your fridge, so you can read them daily. Every mindset shift is supported by a customized affirmation that guides you on your journey of growth. Example: "I find true richness in the depths of my emotions and the transformative experiences of life."
• Actionable steps & suggested routines: Practical advice on how to face your challenges and maximize your potentials. It’s through the actual action and the routines we implement in our daily life, that we really step out of our comfort zone and move towards the blessings of our North Node. You'll receive a list of routines that help you move towards your North Node.
Clients are regularly shocked by how accurately The Compass describes their main life struggles and puts them into the context with their soul’s evolution, giving them sense of why they experience them. Many even print The Compass, so they can have it next to their bed and go back to the most important key points again and again.
The Compass is breaking new ground with it's AI powered hyper personalized interpretations - integrating planets, signs, houses and aspects into one cohesive narrative of your soul's journey.
How to access The Compass
Getting your own Compass report is easy:
1. Go to the checkout page
2. Enter your details: Provide your birth date, time and place to ensure your report is accurately personalized. If you don’t know your exact time, you can order The Compass and send it to us via email once you’ve asked your mom or located your birth certificate.
3. Receive your guide: Once your report is ready (usually within 3 business days), it will be sent directly to you, so you can start your journey of self-discovery and evolution.
Do you have questions or feedback about The Compass or this blog post? Please reach out to hello@uranian.ai or via Instagram.
Other articles about the Moon's Nodes
- The meaning of the South Node and North Node in Astrology
- Donald Trump's Karma Revealed: An Evolutionary Astrology Analysis of His Lunar Nodes
- Debunking 7 Common Myths About the Moon's Nodes in Astrology
- Baby Reindeer: An Astrological Explanation
- Explore our series on the moon's nodes through the houses

Reveal your karmic story in full detail
This 50+ page, fully personalized guide is the ultimate tool to understand how your soul wants to evolve in this lifetime and how to achieve it.