Donald Trump's Karma Revealed: An Evolutionary Astrology Analysis of His Lunar Nodes
Explore Donald Trump’s karmic patterns and evolutionary challenges through his birth chart – what drives his controversial path?

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Donald Trump, a polarizing person unlike any we've seen before, finds himself in the spotlight once again. As he vies for another shot at the presidency amidst lawsuits and controversy, including a recent assassination attempt, we can't help but wonder:
- Why does he persist in claiming that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary?
- Why does he repeatedly break the law and face legal trials?
- What led him to incite the January 6th insurrection?
To answer these questions, we will analyze his birth chart from the perspective of evolutionary astrology, which means that we will uncover the deepest and unconscious driving force behind his actions - his karma!
We'll do this by decoding his South and North Node, which represent the psychological patterns from his past life that he needs to overcome, the crucial lessons he needs to learn, and the soul mission he came here to accomplish. We'll illustrate this analysis with well-known examples from his public career and make an assessment of how he's progressed and where he's still struggling.
Are you ready to learn the karmic secrets behind one of the most controversial figures of our time?

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Richmond Hill, NY, USA
Understanding the South Node: Trump's Karmic Patterns
To begin our analysis of Donald Trump's karma, we'll first examine his South Node, which describes the psychological patterns and tendencies we carry with us from past lives. They feel very familiar and secure to us, so we tend to repeat them. In general, we display more of the negative manifestations of our South Node placement. We are tasked with resolving and integrating them so that our evolution can continue (toward the North Node and our soul's mission, which we'll get to later).
Karmic pattern #1: Overconfidence in personal beliefs & opinions
Donald Trump's South Node is located in the 4th house in Sagittarius, which suggests a karmic tendency towards overconfidence in personal beliefs and opinions. Individuals with this placement often enter this lifetime with a strong conviction that their worldview is the absolute truth. For Trump, this manifests as an unshakable confidence in his own opinions, even in the face of contrary evidence.
Because of his karma, Trump has a strong conviction that his worldview is the absolute truth.
The 4th house represents our roots, family, and deep-seated emotional patterns. With his South Node here, Trump's beliefs and opinions are likely deeply intertwined with his family background and cultural upbringing, making them particularly resistant to change. With the Moon conjunct his South Node, this dogmatic pattern becomes even stronger: it indicates that his emotional security depends on maintaining his beliefs and views. When someone challenges them, it feels like an attack on his very foundation, threatening to bring his world crashing down.
This pattern explains why he continues to deny the outcome of the 2020 election in the face of a mountain of evidence: hand recounts, dozens of court rulings, bipartisan oversight, a Department of Justice investigation, etc. To acknowledge the evidence would be to acknowledge his defeat, which threatens his self-image (as a strong, victorious man) so much that he can't bear to face it. This is further supported by his Sun in the 10th house opposing his Moon and South Node.
Another example is his promotion of the "birther" conspiracy regarding Barack Obama's birthplace. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Trump persisted in this claim for years. Another striking example of this karmic pattern is Trump's behavior on social media, especially during his presidency. He viciously lashed out and attacked his critics, which shows how challenges to his beliefs caused severe uncertainty and provoked strong emotional and defensive reactions. His Moon and South Node are trined by Mars in Leo, bringing in another double dose of ego and a very belligerent nature, especially when that ego is challenged.
It's crucial to understand that the South Node, while familiar and comfortable, represents patterns we're meant to evolve beyond in this lifetime. For Trump, the challenge lies in recognizing that his personal truths, no matter how deeply held, are not universal. The karmic lesson here is to open up to other perspectives and to understand that growth often comes from challenging our own beliefs.
Karmic Pattern #2: Troubled Sense of Justice and Fairness
To reveal the next layer of Trump's karma, we're going to examine the ruler of his South Node: Jupiter (Rx) in Libra in the 2nd house, conjunct Chiron. This placement adds another layer of complexity to Trump's karmic patterns and sheds light on his approach to justice, fairness, and personal values.
Healing his wounded sense of fairness, material value and self-worth, is a crucial karmic learning step for Donald Trump.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and philosophy, is placed in Libra, the sign of balance and justice. However, its retrograde motion suggests an internalized, perhaps somewhat distorted, understanding of these concepts. The 2nd house placement ties this energy to matters of personal resources, values, and self-worth.
The conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer, is particularly significant here. Chiron represents our deepest wounds and also our potential for healing. This configuration points to a fundamental wound in Trump's understanding of fairness and value, especially in material terms (2nd house). This leads Trump to seek validation through financial success. His ego around making deals (& getting the upper hand in them) can be traced back to the Libran nature of this placement.
We see this complex dynamic play out in Trump's career, which has been marked by numerous legal and ethical controversies. His approach to business, often described as aggressive and litigious, reflects the struggle of retrograde Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house - an attempt to balance fairness with material success, albeit frequently leading to disputes.
A prime example is the hush money lawsuit, in which Trump was charged with violating campaign finance laws by paying adult film actress Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal to keep quiet about his extramarital affairs with them, thus misleading the public. He presumably did this to increase his chance of success in the 2020 presidential campaign.
Another example is the Trump University lawsuit, which exposed Trump's unethical practices including false advertising, high-pressure sales tactics, and misleading promises. This case illustrates the tension between his perception of fair business practices (Jupiter in Libra) and the pursuit of financial gain (2nd house), with the legal challenges pointing to the Chironic wound in his moral compass.
Similarly, his numerous bankruptcies and controversial business dealings, such as the allegations of not paying contractors, showcase the negative manifestation of this astrological configuration.
There's a consistent pattern of justifying actions that benefit him financially, even when they may not align with the law, moral fairness or ethical business practices. This Jupiter-Chiron conjunction suggests that one of Trump's key karmic lessons is to heal his relationship with the concepts of fairness and value, particularly in how they relate to material wealth and self-worth.
Karmic Pattern #3: Personal Ideals vs. Collective Needs
The next aspect in Donald Trump's chart we're going to explore is the square between Jupiter and Saturn in Cancer in the 11th house. A square aspect inherently creates tension, but Jupiter and Saturn represent two very opposite principles: expansion vs contraction, creating a very challenging placement. For Donald Trump this plays out in his troubled quest for success (Jupiter in 2nd house) and fairness (Jupiter in Libra) clashing with the community's ideals, expectations (Saturn in 11th house) and needs (Saturn in Cancer). We saw him struggling with this pattern in his role as the president, where he frequently put himself and his views before the needs of the people that he took an oath to represent.
Trump's chart reveals a karmic lesson in learning to balance his personal ambitions and beliefs with the needs and ideals of the collective.
A key example is Trump's decision to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). He asserted his economic philosophies in reducing government involvement and promoting financial self-responsibility, reflecting his Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house focus on economic freedom and personal wealth. However, this conflicted with the public's need for security and access to affordable healthcare, symbolized by Saturn in Cancer in the 11th house, which represents collective responsibility and care for the broader population. Saturn in Cancer in and of itself indicates a struggle with emotions, empathy and caring for others - in Trump's case specifically for the broader community (11th house).
Another example is Trump's "America First" policy, particularly seen through his trade wars with China, reflects his Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house focus on safeguarding U.S. economic interests and promoting financial independence. However, this policy clashed with the need for global cooperation and balanced international relations, represented by Saturn in Cancer in the 11th house, which emphasizes collective responsibility and maintaining strong global partnerships.
Then there's Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement in 2017. He cited economic disadvantages and unfair financial burdens on the U.S., reflecting his Jupiter in Libra's focus on financial fairness from his perspective. However, this decision clashed with the global community's need for collective action against climate change and caring for the environment, represented by Saturn in Cancer in the 11th house.
In all the examples, we can see that there's an imbalance where Trump favors his Jupiter beliefs and quest for expanding financial resources. This is because Jupiter is the ruler of his South Node and thus part of the deep karmic patterns he's all too familiar with from previous lives, but needs to work on to integrate. His learning obviously lies in recognizing the needs of the community, accepting its ideals, and honoring his responsibility as its leader - even they don't align with his personal views.
The North Node: Trump's Soul Mission
Now we turn our attention to his North Node - the celestial point opposite the South Node that indicates his soul's mission and the path of growth in this lifetime. This is unfamiliar territory that we initially feel uncomfortable with at first, so we don't automatically step on this journey. It takes a willingness to grow and evolve.
Trump's North Node is located in Gemini in the 10th house, symbolizing the counterpoint to his South Node in Sagittarius in the 4th house. This configuration suggests a profound shift in Trump's evolutionary journey, calling him to move from the realm of personal truth and family-inherited beliefs to a more open, communicative, and public-oriented approach.
Donald Trump's soul mission is to learn as a leader to listen, accept, and unite diverse viewpoints.
The Gemini North Node calls Trump to develop curiosity about different points of view and to cultivate the art of listening - quite a contrast to the Sagittarian tendency to preach one's own truth. It encourages him to embrace the multifaceted nature of reality rather than adhering to a single, dogmatic perspective.
The 10th house placement of the North Node is asking Trump to step out of the protective sphere of his family and inherited wealth (4th house South Node conjunct Jupiter in the 2nd house) and into the public arena. This placement suggests that Trump's soul mission involves taking on public roles and responsibilities, using his voice and ideas to influence society at large.
In the following we will look at various aspects of his North Node and make an assessment: How has he progressed? And what challenges does he continue to face?
Evolutionary Task #1: Embracing the Public Stage
Donald Trump's North Node in the 10th house calls him to step onto the public stage, embracing a role that involves communication, adaptability, and public responsibility.
Trump's evolution from a real estate mogul to a reality TV star, and ultimately to the President of the United States, showcases a remarkable alignment with his North Node's call to public life. Born into a wealthy family with a successful real estate business, Trump could have easily remained in the comfortable, protective sphere of his inherited wealth - a path more aligned with his South Node in the 4th house. Instead, he chose to step into the limelight.
By becoming president, Donald Trump has advanced his 10th house North Node task.
His reality TV show "The Apprentice" marked a significant step towards his North Node, thrusting him into the public eye and honing his skills in communication and adaptability - key Gemini traits. This experience laid the groundwork for his eventual foray into politics, culminating in his successful 2016 presidential campaign.
Assuming the presidency - one of the most public and visible positions in the world - represents a profound embrace of his 10th house North Node. This willingness to venture into the uncomfortable territory of public scrutiny and responsibility demonstrates a courageous step towards his soul's mission.
However, stepping into a public role isn't just about visibility - it's about responsibility. This is where Trump has faced significant challenges in aligning with his North Node's higher purpose.
The presidency demands accountability and ethical leadership, areas where Trump often struggled. His handling of Hurricane Maria's aftermath in Puerto Rico in 2017 illustrates this. Despite the hurricane's devastating impact, Trump's response was widely criticized as inadequate and insensitive, exemplified by public disputes with local officials and his infamous paper towel-tossing incident. This event highlighted his difficulty in balancing public showmanship with the empathetic, responsible leadership called for by his 10th house North Node.
Moreover, the 10th house represents one's public image and career. Trump's controversial statements and actions often led to public backlash and damaged his reputation, showing a struggle with adopting the diplomacy and adaptability demanded by his Gemini North Node.
Evolutionary Task #2: The Art of Public Communication
With his North Node in Gemini in the 10th house, Donald Trump's soul mission calls for mastering the art of public communication. This involves learning to listen, integrate diverse viewpoints, and speak in an empathetic and caring fashion (his ruler of the North Node Mercury is in Cancer). Given his Sagittarian South Node in the 4th house, which inclines him towards preaching personal truths, this represents a significant evolutionary challenge.
Trump's presidency provided ample opportunities to practice these communication skills, as he was confronted with the diverse views of an entire nation and tasked with uniting them. However, this proved to be a monumental challenge, largely due to his deeply ingrained South Node patterns.
Donald Trump still struggles with seeing other people's point of view and speaking in a uniting, rather than divisive way.
A notable example of Trump's struggle with Gemini-style communication is his response to the Charlottesville white nationalist rally in 2017. His comment that there were "very fine people on both sides" after a counter-protester was killed by a white nationalist, revealed his difficulty in overcoming personal biases, speaking empathetically to marginalized groups, and promoting constructive dialogue about sensitive issues like racism.
This incident highlights Trump's ongoing battle between his South Node's tendency to cling to personal beliefs and his North Node's call to listen and integrate diverse perspectives. His statement, while perhaps an attempt at neutrality, failed to acknowledge the pain and fear of minority communities, showcasing a lack of the emotional intelligence called for by his North Node & it's ruler.
Another challenge has been Trump's use of divisive rhetoric, often targeting political opponents, the media, and minority groups. This approach, while energizing his base, goes against the Gemini North Node's mission of building bridges and fostering understanding across different viewpoints.
Despite these challenges, Trump has shown some progress towards his North Node in his approach to communication. His extensive and dynamic use of social media, particularly Twitter, aligns with the Gemini emphasis on versatile and immediate communication. Through these platforms, he engaged directly with the public, rallying support quickly and responding to events in real-time.
In true Gemini fashion, Trump has leveraged Twitter as a very direct and effective way to engage with the public.
This direct engagement with supporters, bypassing traditional media channels, represents a step towards the North Node's call for innovative communication in the public sphere. It allowed Trump to connect with voters who felt disconnected from the political establishment, effectively addressing their concerns in his speeches and social media posts.
Furthermore, Trump's ability to distill complex political ideas into simple, memorable slogans (like "Drain the Swamp", "Build the Wall" and "Make America Great Again") showcases a certain mastery of Gemini-style communication. This skill helped him resonate with a significant portion of the electorate, demonstrating progress in his ability to connect with the public.
However, it's important to note that true alignment with the Gemini North Node calls for not just effective communication, but also the ability to listen, adapt, and integrate opposing viewpoints. While Trump has shown proficiency in reaching his base, his struggle to extend this communication style to those who disagree with him indicates that his journey towards his North Node is still ongoing.
Evolutionary Task #3: Innovation and Originality
One of the most dynamic aspects of Donald Trump's chart is Uranus conjunct his North Node and Sun in Gemini in the 10th house. This powerful configuration calls Trump to embody revolutionary change in the public arena, shaking up established ways of doing things and communicating in novel ways - ostensibly for the betterment of humanity.
Donald Trump's dharma is to be a leader and a disruptive force that shakes up the status quo.
The Uranus-North Node-Sun conjunction in the 10th house suggests that Trump's soul mission is intrinsically linked with being a disruptive force in public life, particularly in leadership and career matters. This aspect calls for originality, unconventionality, and a willingness to challenge the status quo.
Trump's anti-establishment stance and his challenge to the conventional norms of American politics clearly align with this Uranian energy. His 2016 presidential campaign serves as a prime example of this alignment. Trump employed unconventional campaign strategies that broke away from traditional political playbooks:
- Extensive use of social media: Trump leveraged platforms like Twitter to communicate directly with voters, bypassing traditional media filters. This approach resonated with the Uranus-Gemini energy, representing a revolutionary way of political communication.
- Unconventional rallies: Trump's campaign rallies were more akin to entertainment events, featuring a conversational style that differed markedly from typical political speeches. This approach aligned with the Uranian call for originality and the Gemini emphasis on dynamic communication.
- Outsider appeal: As a businessman with no prior political experience, Trump positioned himself as an outsider who could "drain the swamp" in Washington. This narrative tapped into the Uranian theme of revolution, disruption and change.
These strategies effectively connected Trump with voters who felt disenfranchised by the political establishment, showcasing his progress towards embodying the revolutionary change called for by his Uranus-North Node-Sun configuration.
In office, Trump continued to display this Uranian energy through unconventional policy decisions and unexpected administrative changes. His approach to foreign policy, trade negotiations, and even internal White House operations often broke from established norms, for better or worse.
However, the shadow side of this Uranian influence also manifested in ways that created significant challenges:
- Unpredictability: While Uranus calls for change and innovation, Trump's unpredictable policy decisions and administrative changes often created instability. His habit of abruptly firing officials and altering foreign policies via Twitter announcements, for instance, led to confusion and resistance from both allies and opponents.
- Divisiveness: The revolutionary Uranian energy, when not properly channeled, can lead to chaos rather than constructive change. Trump's tendency to polarize public opinion, while aligned with the disruptive nature of Uranus, often hindered his ability to unite the nation - a key responsibility of his 10th house North Node.
- Resistance to established systems: While challenging the status quo is part of Trump's soul mission, his frequent clashes with established institutions (like the intelligence community, the Federal Reserve, and even his own appointed officials) sometimes impeded effective governance.
The events of January 6, 2021, serve as a stark example of the extreme manifestation of this Uranian energy. Trump's call for his supporters to march to the Capitol, which led to a violent insurrection, showcased the dangerous potential of revolutionary rhetoric when not tempered with responsibility.
His instigation of the January 6 insurrection shows his struggle to use Uranus' revolutionary energy constructively within democratic limits.
This incident highlights the core challenge of Trump's Uranus-North Node-Sun configuration: how to be a force for innovative change within the bounds of democratic norms and institutions. It underscores the need for Trump to learn to channel his revolutionary energy constructively, balancing the Uranian call for disruption with the North Node's higher purpose of responsible public leadership.
Evolutionary Task #4: Balancing Emotion and Intellect
A crucial aspect of Donald Trump's astrological chart is Mercury, the ruler of his North Node, positioned in Cancer in the 11th house. This placement calls for Trump to balance emotional sensitivity with intellectual agility, particularly in relation to community and group dynamics.
The placement of Mercury in Cancer suggests that Trump's path to his North Node involves learning to communicate with the community in a nurturing and emotionally resonant way. The 11th house placement further emphasizes the need to connect with broader social groups and ideals.
Trump has shown some progress in this area, particularly in his ability to emotionally connect with his base of supporters. His campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" serves as a prime example of this Mercury in Cancer energy at work. This simple phrase managed to encapsulate complex political ideas into an emotionally resonant message that tapped into collective sentiments of nostalgia and desire for change.
With the slogan "Make America Great Again" Trump masterfully spoke to the hearts of his supporters.
Trump's ability to "read the room" at his rallies and adjust his messaging accordingly also demonstrates a certain emotional intelligence aligned with this Mercury placement. He often seemed to intuitively understand and articulate the fears and desires of his supporters, creating a strong emotional bond with them.
Moreover, his use of simple, emotionally charged language in his speeches and tweets aligns with the Mercury in Cancer call for communication that connects on an emotional level. This approach allowed him to distill complex political issues into messages that resonated deeply with a significant portion of the American electorate.
However, Trump's journey towards fully embodying this Mercury in Cancer in the 11th house energy has faced significant challenges, particularly in his ability to extend empathy and understanding beyond his immediate support base, to those of opposing viewpoints.
His handling of sensitive national issues, such as immigration and racial tensions, often lacked the nuanced emotional intelligence called for by this placement. A stark example of this was his response to the Black Lives Matter protests following the killing of George Floyd in May 2020.
Trump's comment that "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" showcased a failure to empathize with the pain and frustration of the black community. Instead of using his platform to foster understanding and heal divisions - as his Mercury in Cancer placement suggests he should - this statement escalated tensions and deepened societal rifts.
Similarly, his approach to immigration, often characterized by harsh rhetoric and policies, showed a struggle to connect emotionally with the experiences of immigrant communities. This approach stands in contrast to the nurturing, inclusive communication style suggested by Mercury in Cancer in the 11th house.
Trump's difficulty in uniting the nation during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, further illustrates the ongoing challenge of fully embracing this aspect of his chart. While he could rally and comfort his base, he often struggled to extend this emotional connection to those outside his core support group.
His learning here clearly lies in developing the emotional intelligence and sensitivity to connect with people from all walks of life, beyond his base.
Donald Trump's evolutionary journey, as reflected in his South and North Nodes, paints a picture of a soul grappling with deeply ingrained past-life patterns of over-identifying with his beliefs, while striving towards a challenging new path of opening up to diverse viewpoints and recognizing what's fair for humanity as a whole.
If only he knew about this analysis! Assuming he'd have the willingness to face his shadows and grow, wouldn't it greatly benefit him to know exactly what his patterns are and how he can overcome them? Wouldn't this turbo-charge his growth?
We all have he all have a karmic journey to complete - otherwise we wouldn't have incarnated! Have you ever wondered what unconscious past-life patterns might be driving you? Why you the same challenges keep repeating? Or what mission your soul came here to achieve?
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You can also download a FREE sample of The Compass for Donald Trump on our product page for The Compass, to see the depth of this analysis for yourself.
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